It can be difficult to keep up with all the changes happening in the public sector and to get in front of the right people with your business to government marketing strategy. 

Cadence Marketing tracks all changes at organisational and individual levels. We ensure that our data is up to date so that we can deliver the results that you need for your business to government campaign.

Our insight into the market ensures we’re targeting the right roles that will influence future buying decisions. With best-in-class data research, we will deliver the ROI and objectives of your campaigns. We provide future-first business to government marketing tools.

The Cadence Marketing database uses a proprietary job function classification system which allows you to communicate with the people you want to, without duplication or waste, across a wide variety of public sector organisations. Ensuring your message reaches decision-makers and influencers across:


We know what matters most to buyers and how to engage their attention through the implementation of leading marketing campaigns.


The public sector refers to the part of the economy concerned with providing various UK government services. Employing 5 million people and spending £200 billion on resources, goods and services, the public sector continues to evolve with more business to government opportunities than ever.

Public sector DATABASE

We own the largest and most powerful public sector marketing database in the UK.

Our data is the gold standard in B2G Marketing. Gathering GDPR-compliant marketing contacts is a challenge. The industry-leading public sector database from Cadence Marketing has the details of every single business to government organisation in the UK and thousands of public sector decision-makers at your fingertips.

We keep a full audit trail of every contact record we’ve ever had. This means we can deliver impactful, compliant campaigns that communicate with the people you need to reach, and help to improve your business to government marketing campaigns.

If you’re looking to squeeze the most out of your marketing budget with effective public sector marketing communications, we can help!


Cabinet Office

Central government

The government of the UK is a unitary state. This means that the UK is governed as a single unit. That said, this public sector organisation can delegate power to any administrative division (local government).

Manchester City Hall

Local government

For administrative purposes, the UK is divided into areas of local government. Local government is used to govern smaller areas of jurisdiction. Local government is given the power to decide how to spend public money in its area, so it can meet local people’s needs.

This is the area of the public sector that includes councils, police, fire & rescue, and housing associations.

NHS Sign


Public healthcare in the UK has four geographic parts: National Health Service (England), NHS Wales, NHS Scotland, and Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland. Central government sets the overall budget available to the NHS in England. Health spending is a devolved matter. The UK government allocates a block grant to each devolved national government (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) to spend on local needs. Each government may choose how much of its block grant to spend on its healthcare system.

This is the area of the public sector that includes health trusts, health boards, CCGs, CSUs and the largest private healthcare providers.

Department of Education


Education in the United Kingdom is a devolved matter, meaning that each of the separate governments is responsible for the organisation/delivery of education for that state. In each country, there are five stages of education: early years, primary, secondary, further education (FE) and higher education (HE).

Typically, FE relates to colleges and HE relates to universities. Education in England is overseen by two central government departments. Local government then undertakes responsibility for implementing policy for public and state schools, at a local level.

Manchester Pride

Civil Society (Third Sector)

Civil society is the aggregate of non-governmental organisations and institutions that manifest the interests and will of citizens. Civil society includes the family and the private sphere, referred to as the “third sector”. It is also referred to as the voluntary sector and by definition is inclusive of organisations like charities, social enterprises and other ‘not-for-profit bodies.’

B2G Marketing
Doesn’t Have
To Be Complicated

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