How to create a flawless digital campaign

According to creative agency We Are Social, there were over four billion internet users globally at the beginning of 2020. This reinforces the need for modern businesses to implement a digital strategy alongside traditional marketing methods.

If your business wants to reach a larger audience within the public sector, digital marketing is vital. We offer our tips for digital marketing to the public sector below.

The power of digital marketing

A recent survey conducted by our parent company, BiP Solutions, has revealed that 76% of respondents believe that “digital marketing is the central element” of a marketing strategy.

Digital marketing is powerful, and strategy in this area will not only support your organisation’s engagement with prospects, but can also turn prospects into leads and convert leads into customers.

Going into 2020, ensure that your business is implementing our top tips for digital marketing…

Segment your data

By segmenting your data you can identify the people most likely to respond to campaigns based on a deep understanding of what each public sector organisation does and who its key stakeholders are.

Segmentable data should be tagged by job function as well as job title, This will support your business with the creation of specific, personalised content that can be used to target decision makers within the public sector. It also allows organisations to target contacts more effectively, ensuring that only those organisations or people most likely to be interested or responsive are contacted.

Simply sending mass emails to every contact in a database, for example, is likely to be less effective than sending a specifically targeted message to the people who fulfil the criteria that mean they are most likely to be interested.

Understand your audience

Industry experience and knowledge is crucial for a campaign to work. By creating online research surveys, you can get to know your target market in real depth.

This kind of research will help your team to learn all about the challenges being faced by professionals within a specific area of the public sector or within the sector as a whole and how your company can address them and in turn boost engagement.

By engaging with the public sector like this, you stand to position yourself as an influencer and thought leader, instead of just another commercial supplier. Once you’ve developed a relationship with a buyer, there’s even the possibility of shaping the procurement requirement.

Survey results can also form the basis of survey reports, which act as thought leadership content, as well as generating individual sales leads.

Consider your content marketing strategy

Content should be part of your digital marketing strategy, but where to begin?

Blogs, infographics and video are all part of a successful content marketing strategy; however, a webinar can help you seal the deal with many buyers. According to GoToWebinar, 76% of B2B buyers have used webinars in the past 12 months to make a purchase decision.

Webinars are a great way to engage with your target audience whether you choose to broadcast live or use recorded footage in combination with a live Q&A session. See the Q&A session as feedback. Questions during a webinar can help you reshape the webinar for its next sessionand can inspire your organisation to create fresh content arising either from the webinar or from participants’ questions.

Post webinar there is also an opportunity for your business to reuse this content. Creating an infographic or report with the content you have collated for the webinar could regain the attention of prospects that have signed up for the webinar and missed it.

Content like this can also be used as a takeaway for those who did attend. For this, create concise content that hits the key points from the webinar.

Consistency is key

Design and content must be consistent when launching a campaign.

It can be difficult to ensure that omnichannel campaigns remain on-brand, which is why you should make sure that your creative design and content teams are aligned when creating digital marketing materials.

This is something we provide throughout our campaigns – our team of content experts are on hand to ensure your content and design is going to generate the maximum amount of engagement possible, and ensure the themes are consistent throughout.

Track your campaigns

Tracking the results of marketing activity is key if marketers are to show their actions are effective. To have true insight into whether marketing activity is achieving the desired results, marketers need to be able to report accurately on every stage of their activity.

Tracking results is clearly perceived to be important, as 79% of respondents from BiP’s survey confirmed that they adapt their marketing strategy in response to tracking the results of their activity. This agile working strategy means that tactics that are not working can be changed, to ensure that marketing work is as effective as possible and delivers the results needed.

Test and learn

Many of the benefits of digital marketing are obvious; insight is one of them. Important digital marketing decisions should be determined by data.

Without being able to demonstrate that the money spent on marketing generates revenue, marketing budgets are hard to justify.

Whether a campaign performed well or not – you must take the learnings from it. An example of a simple and effective way to test and learn is through A/B testing whether it be through email or even digital display activity. This can really help your business discover the best online promotional and marketing strategies for your business.  Digital marketing expert Neil Patel says “it’s vital to run A/B tests when trying out new techniques or formats for your email campaigns” as this can support the improvement of conversion rates.

Tracking results and compiling information on interactions is helpful, but marketers must also be able to analyse the results and react to what they’re telling them. One way to do this is by combining CRM data with data on interactions to target prospects with content that will be best suited to them.

New to digital marketing? Well our team works with clients after a campaign to ensure the results and implications of all marketing campaigns are fully understood.

Cadence Marketing

Cadence Marketing have a team that specialise in lead generation, content creation, data, surveys and webinars. We have worked with a list of high-profile clients including BT, Capita, KPMG, Deloitte, Hays, Apple and IBM.

We offer a complete marketing experience, providing both accurate and comprehensive data for contacting the Public Sector, and a suite of managed digital marketing solutions.

If you want to win big in the public sector through digital marketing solutions, we are here to help. powered by our highly accurate decision maker database.


Data Driven
Doesn’t Have
To Be Complicated

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